Béla Nektar is a way of Being. Our vision is to reconnect you to the artistic science of nature in its purist form. The place where outer beauty and inner glowing health intersect.
Béla Nektar means “heart nectar” the loving fruits of this Earth.
Each product is created in small batches with wild intuitive instinct. This method of formulation is a timeless approach that harnesses raw alchemy with inner guidance, fostering direct access to the ancient secrets of the Earth and her offerings. A synergy emerges between you and the Earth’s elemental kingdoms as you connect to our potent wholistic luxury products as a daily practice.
We intend to uncover what is essentially innate and beautiful within you, as you bask in brilliant health, and the fruits and flowers of our lush world.
Experience yourself as the wonder of Nature that you are.
I created Béla Nektar as a path to fashioning wellness.
My journey from illness to wellness required me to elevate from my deepest roots, and in doing so, I received universal edicts and remedy codes from the force of Nature, herself. I infuse my skincare products with the technicals and frequency of these values and downloads.
After dedicating 15 years to the fashion industry as a bespoke designer and expert craftswoman for luxury clientele and global brands, I integrated couture concepts with wild instinct, and leading edge wholistic science resulting in elemental alchemy that can be worn on your skin.
I did this to restore wellness to my entire being, from my skin to every organ and every aspect of myself, after my own personal breakdown.
I’d like you to use my products as a set of points that will harmonize you into regenerative health. Each is a daily practice, reconnecting you to the pure intelligence of nature and the thirteen pillars that I teach all of my health clients:
*clearing negative patterns in yourself and your lineage
*focusing on creating your highest version
*connecting to circadian and metabolic rhythms
*balancing the elements within you
*working with the frequency of your terrain
*harmonizing with the seasons
*becoming more and more conscious and coherent
*discovering Source Love, self sovereignty, and true natural beauty
I personally invite you from my heart to indulge in this luxury range of artisan skincare, grounded in the science of natural design. Join me in envisioning a culture that values the energetic expression of health and beauty from within, not just surface change.
I have intimate relationships with my community, many of whom work with me one-on-one or in my group work called The Quantum Fitness Club. I encourage you to reach out to me as you experience my products.
Be well, be you,
Lauren C. Bradley, Founder of Béla Nektar