Béla Nektar is a way of Being. Our vision is to reconnect you to the artistic science of nature in its purist form. The place where outer beauty and inner glowing health intersect.
Béla Nektar means “heart nectar” the loving fruits of this Earth.
Each product is created in small batches with wild intuitive instinct. This method of formulation is a timeless approach that harnesses raw alchemy with inner guidance, fostering direct access to the ancient secrets of the Earth and her offerings. A synergy emerges between you and the Earth’s elemental kingdoms as you connect to our potent wholistic luxury products as a daily practice.
We intend to uncover what is essentially innate and beautiful within you, as you bask in brilliant health, and the fruits and flowers of our lush world.
Experience yourself as the wonder of Nature that you are.
“After spending 15 years in the fashion industry as a bespoke designer and expert craftswoman working with celebrity clientele, I began craving greater meaning in my work, and a deeper connection with what I was crafting. Seeking to get in touch with my wilder impulses, I turned to my verdant California surroundings. I began collecting the finest wild harvested, and organic ingredients, and arranging them by listening to my instincts and intuition, mirroring medicine women of past generations.
Simultaneously and unexpectedly, I suffered major chronic illness that turned my life upside down from all angles. Overwhelming grief sparked uncontrollable, continuous bleeding and massively imbalanced hormones. I required 15 transfusions, and suffered drastically low hemoglobin levels that set off alarms in the emergency room every time I ended up there.
Refusing all synthetic drugs, surgical mutilation, ‘so called alternative’ bio-identical hormones and synthetic nutraceutical isolates, no conventional or alternative outlet had any answers for me. So I managed my own healing path by deep dive studying the root cause of metabolic and mineral imbalance and how our environment and emotional landscape effects our health.
My path has led me to not only healing myself at the root when no one else could, but to the deep understanding of how Nature truly has remedy for what ails us. I experienced first hand how to take cue from our ancestors and let Nature in her purist forms collaborate with my body for the highest outcome of health and well-being.
Applying this knowledge I founded Béla Nektar, a luxury range of intuitive skincare, rooted in the science of natural design, and a culture that values the expression of health and beauty from within not just surface change.”
~ Lauren Bradley, Founder of Béla Nektar